Location: Phil's Basement
Event: Providence Gamer's Game Knight
Game: All Quiet on the Martian Front
Scenario: Hold the Line
Players: Scott Landis playing the I/II Battalions, 141st Regiment, 71st Brigade, 36th (Lone Star) Infantry Division, and the 1st Texas Tank Brigade
Philip A. Gardocki playing the Mobile forces of Pod 16, Hive 3 (फली 16, हाइव 3) and Marvin's Martians.
The Battle of Caddo Lake was a pivotal moment in the fight to save Texas. With its attempt to liberate Shreveport rebuffed, The
Texas Tank Corps, now renamed the 1st Texas Army Corps, retreated
outside the vast fields of the Red Weed, and then entrenched. It’s north flank secured by Caddo Lake, the 36th
“Lone Star” Division dug in using lessons hard won in the days when the
survival of Texas was in doubt.
फॅम्त्ज्ल्न्प्व्च्-।ैक्थ्ळभ्श्रज्ञस् has decided to unhinge the human line at the lake, then turn south destroying all in his wake.
Game runs 6 turns.
The Martian wins if the humans lose 9 units
The American wins if the Martians lose 8 units or are themselves not
defeated by the end of turn 6.
The Forces:
4 Infantry Companies, 2 Armored Infantry Companies, 2 MG Companies, 2 Howitzer Batteries, 1 Cavalry Troop, 1 Command Company, 2 platoons of Mk II's, 3 platoons of Mk III's, 1 Mk IV. 6 Area Fortifications, 12 Fox Holes
17 units, 1801 points, 7 command points
4 Infantry Companies, 2 Armored Infantry Companies, 2 MG Companies, 2 Howitzer Batteries, 1 Cavalry Troop, 1 Command Company, 2 platoons of Mk II's, 3 platoons of Mk III's, 1 Mk IV. 6 Area Fortifications, 12 Fox Holes
17 units, 1801 points, 7 command points
फॅम्त्ज्ल्न्प्व्च्-।ैक्थ्ळभ्श्रज्ञस् and Marvin's Martians: A total of 16 tripods, 7 Assault Tripods, 1 Scout, 2 Grenadiers, 2
Slavers. Supported by 12 drones.
They have 16 units, and retreat if 8 are destroyed. About 2340 points, 11 command points
They have 16 units, and retreat if 8 are destroyed. About 2340 points, 11 command points
Colonel Williams surveyed
the field from the only high ground for miles. The north flank of the
141st Regiment was secured by Caddo Lake. He had 1st and 2nd Battalion
deployed on the front lines, with the 3rd Battalion held in reserved. He was
concerned by his command being bifurcated by the 1st
Texas Tank Brigade. Not that he didn't appreciate the smoke belching
monstrosities, but now he had to report to two Brigadier Generals.
General Hutchings of his own 71st Brigade, and Brevet Brigadier General
Golding. Golding only held the permanent rank of Lieutenant Colonel,
but since he is commanding a brigade, command saw fit for the
battlefield promotion.
But are they brigades really? In size they are more like Battalions.
wiped the thoughts from is mind. The Martian was coming, and according
to the pilots, they are heading straight for his 141st Regiment.
"Blakely, have field artillery fire some more ranging shots."
"Yes Sir, Colonel"
scanned the Caddo Lake. He was told it was only 20 feet deep, but the
mud was another 20 feet. The Tripods could cross it, if they knew, but
there was no sign that they did know. The Cyprus trees, dying from the
choking embrace of the red weed showed only normal decay, and no branches
snapped off at altitude. It certainly will keep the smaller tripods off
his flank.
was told that Mars was a dry planet. So they don't handle large
waterways well. Good thing. He has read reports that a battleship
could trash a dozen tripods in a trice with their 14 inch guns. It's a
shame we couldn't have anything like that here.
scanned the field again. His men were well dug in, and slowly
improving in equipment quality. The field was dotted with red weed,
giving the appearance of a botched job of planting zoysia plugs. But
still, it gave the artillery something to shoot at.
"Sir, by last estimate, they should be here in the next half hour, Sir."
"OK, lets get to the bunker."
वेबसाइट पे जाने के लिये viewed the human positions in the long range optics. It had been years
since the war leader had lead his machines into combat. What joy to
finally fighting again. He was concerned when he first returned to his
war machine, the creaks in the joints caused by the corrosion of sitting
in the damp for so long. Nothing a bit of डब्ल्यू डी - चालीस couldn't fix.
gave the command for the remote projector machines to deploy. He had
kept up with reports from active areas of the fighting and realized the
importance of the long range dust fire on human entrenchments.
"कोलाहलपूर्ण, you are not to close and engage. Use your illuminator only. Let the projectors do the work."
"Yes, War Leader!"
looked pole-ward at the body of water. Clever humans. You know we
won't go there, but, once we crush your forces here, that same water
will prevent any rearward attacks. He would use the water to his
advantage for once. For the sodden land already cost him 18% of his
force just traveling here. War machines sinking up to the joints. But
repairs would be made and they will follow and join in the pursuit.
set the optics to medium, and was surprised at how little he could
see. Smoke betrayed the presence of the human war machines, but little
else. Well, he had their range, and could guess their deployment. The old tactics will serve well here. He would use speed and mass and crush half the human entrenchments, then pin the other half against the vast water to the north.
"All forces, mass on me, form triangle, deploy the drone force. To glory!"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"All forces, mass on me, form triangle, deploy the drone force. To glory!"
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The initial layout of the board. |
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All the tripods are focused on the 141/II Battalion. |
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Some 7 assault tripods and supporting units. |
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Grenadiers begin dusting the trenches. |
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The view from the trenches |
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First set of shots from the 1st Texas Tank Brigade, 3rd Platoon against a Slaver Tripod. |
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They succeed in only scoring a weapon hit. |
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The Martians win the initiative and continue to advance. |
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Dust and heat rays obliterate the front lines. |
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1st Texas Tank Brigade, 4th Platoon occupy the forward trenches. And succeed in damaging a couple of tripods. |
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वेबसाइट पे जाने के लिये is not going to wait for the drones to catch up and assaults the trenches. |
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The tripod, code named "Huey" crosses the center line, revealing the 1st and 2nd tank platoons. A featureless assault tripod on the hill is entangled by tow cables by the Regimental Cavalry Troop. |
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The last field guns give their all and pour on the fire, and bring out the sun! |
The Martians have lost 1 unit towards their demoralization level of 8.
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The Americans begin to retreat north to the entrenchments of the 1st Battalion |
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Huey, Dewey and Louie are in close pursuit. |
The Martians have lost 1 unit towards their demoralization level of 8.
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The drones arrive at the trenches, to find their work is already done. |
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But this is a fighting withdrawal, and the Americans continue to fight. |
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American industrial might has performed a miracle, and a fresh platoon arrives on the board. They line up their shots on the scout tripod, but all the shots missed. |
Americans win the initiative and elect to go first.
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The Scout Tripod takes a hit. |
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But everywhere else down the line, it's bows and arrows against the lightning. None of the tripods are damaged. |
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A long range shot by Huey takes out the command company, while a barrage from the grenadiers pick off the "Rough Riders" for the last two units. The Martians have broken the line. |
The reports were bad, The 141st had been broken through, Colonel Williams was missing, Major Braun had taken charge. He ordered the reserve 3rd Battalion to join the 1st by the lakes edge. They'll have the advantage of the trenches and apparently half of Golding's tanks.
The commander of the 71st Brigade, Brigadier General Hutchings, considered his options. While the 141st had been broken through, the 142nd was still fighting, it is possible they'll hold, and that would put the Martian in a vice. He made his report to General McCook.
General McCook looked over the map and measured the distances. They hadn't changed. The 3rd and 4th Tank Brigades can be there by mid afternoon. But without their infantry supports. Any counter attack by Hulen's 72nd Brigade would have to wait till morning. And he was leery about pulling those troops out of their trenches. The confirmed tripod count was too light. There were more of them out there.
He wrote down his orders. He would redeploy the 3rd Tank Brigade to assist the 142nd, along with the reserve battalions of the 72nd Brigade. 4th Tank would be the only mobile reserve of the 72nd as well.
फॅम्त्ज्ल्न्प्व्च्-।ैक्थ्ळभ्श्रज्ञस् was jubilant. In a fraction of a turn, he routed all the humans in front of them, the remainder foolishly pulled back to the body of water where they will be trapped! He looked south where his protege lead the assault. This was his first time leading and he refused to accept the old ways, relying on simply overpowering the humans. His fight was still in progress, with a full 6 war machines ruined. He will see the error of his ways after this fight.
Cool!! Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the battle report!