Location: Gamer's Heaven, Phoenixville, Pa
Event: Providence Gamer's Game Knight
Game: All Quiet on the Martian Front
Scenario: Riposte
Players: 71st Brigade, 36th (Lone Star) Infantry Division, and the Army of Saint Louis played by Scott Landis, Bruce Potter, Mark McConnahay.
Mobile forces of Pod 16, Hive 3 (फली 16, हाइव 3) and Marvin's Martians commanded by Jenny Parker, Garth Parker and Phil Pezickson
The Venue
Gamers Heaven is
a wonderful store located in Chester County, Pennsylvania. About 25
miles Northwest of Philadelphia. They are huge, with table space for 4
miniature tables, 8 or so board game sized tables, dozens of 1-1 sized
tables, and about 2 dozen computer stations. Food is offered in shop,
and is cooked to order.
The Scenario, Reposte!
battle near Caddo Lake continues. The 36ths Division 71st Brigade has
been badly battered, with one regiment in rout, the other trapped
against the waters edge. But the division has depth, and a has
organized a counterattack with the 143rd Regiment supported by two, as
yet uncommitted tank brigades. Also, advanced forces from the army of
Saint Louis are swooping in behind the Martian in a classic pincer move.
फॅम्त्ज्ल्न्प्व्च्-।ैक्थ्ळभ्श्रज्ञस् has decided to unhinge the American line at the lake, then turn south destroying all in his wake.
Game runs 6 turns.
The Americans are divided into 3 forces, and the the Martian wins if they can defeat 2 of 3 of them.
The Human wins by avoiding defeat, or by destroying 13 Martian units.
The Forces:
8 Infantry Companies, 2 Armored Infantry Companies, 3 MG Companies, 4 Howitzer Batteries, 1 Heavy Battery, 3 Cavalry Troops, 1 Command Tank, 7 platoons of Mk II's, 6 platoons of Mk III's, 3 Mk IV's. 3 Area Fortifications, 12 Fox Holes, Land Iron Clad "Spirit of New Orleans"
37 units, 5001 points, 25 command points
8 Infantry Companies, 2 Armored Infantry Companies, 3 MG Companies, 4 Howitzer Batteries, 1 Heavy Battery, 3 Cavalry Troops, 1 Command Tank, 7 platoons of Mk II's, 6 platoons of Mk III's, 3 Mk IV's. 3 Area Fortifications, 12 Fox Holes, Land Iron Clad "Spirit of New Orleans"
37 units, 5001 points, 25 command points
फॅम्त्ज्ल्न्प्व्च्-।ैक्थ्ळभ्श्रज्ञस् and Marvin's Martians: A total of 26 tripods and drone units, an Overseer, a Dominator, and "The" Red Martian, 10 Assault Tripods, 3 Scouts, 3 Grenadiers, 2
Slavers. Supported by 15 drones.
They have 26 units, and retreat if 13 are destroyed. About 4990 points, 24 command points
They have 26 units, and retreat if 13 are destroyed. About 4990 points, 24 command points
The House rules are at the end of the battle report.
Back to our show:
McCook looked stared mournfully at his map. Brigadiers Hutchings and
Hulen stood attentive and waiting for the decisions. The 141st was
pinned but still in good order. The 142nd was in rout, but was
retreating to the battle groups formed from the 72nd Brigade. The
Martian actions didn't seem correct, given the victories they achieved.
In the far north, where victory was near total, they hung back and
started probing. In the south, where they took a drubbing, they
continued to charge forward, and have lost two more tripods as a result
to the waiting guns of the 3rd Tank Brigade.
"Signal the 141st, dig in and hold, send runners by boat to confirm the order."
"Hulan, have the 144th replace the 143rd in their lines, send the 143rd to reinforce and rally the 142nd."
"What about the air reconnaissance that there are more tripods coming sir?"
"Yes, there are more coming, but we also have more coming. I just got this telegram from General
Funston. If we can confound the Martian for 2 days, the army of St.
Louis will arrive, and they are bring one of those land ironclads, the
"New Orleans."
वेबसाइट पे जाने के लिये
was nearly green with frustration. The battle was going no where near the way it should. Where the humans were surrounded, they dug into the earth and waited, and where they fled, tripods were lost in the chase. He gave the recall to organize the force to crush those trapped by the water, and to allow, as yet to be engaged forces, time to catch up.
The new machines were certainly impressive. But possibly over kill. The upgraded heat ray could shoot through a mountain, but humans are unlikely to acquire that much armor. And resources required to build the huge machine could have built 10 war machines, and it required 3 pilots. Getting the pilots to act as a team seemed to be a difficulty. But then, all they have to do is stand and shoot.
An alert appeared on his display from automated projectile shooter supporting the reduction of forces anti-poleward. It's operating system required a command to deal with an unexpected situation. His sync with the control panel had an unknown audio input.
He puzzled at what appeared to be amplified human speech.
"Good morning America how are you?
Don't you know me I'm your native son!
I'm the ship they call The Spirit of New Orleans
I'll be gone a hundred miles when the day is done."*
Captain Franks watched as all the smaller steam tanks sped off into the distance, taking the clockwise route around Caddo Lake. They were out racing their supports and would arrive with only 40% of their coal they would need to fight on the other end. But there was no helping that. Besides, getting to the battle was half of the fight. His ship would take the shorter route across the lake.
"You wanted to see me sir?", a nervous private stood wrangling his cap.
Captain Franks turned, "Private Guthrie?"
"Yes sir!"
"What do you do here?" asked the captain, though the black face and filthy uniform made that answer obvious.
"I'm a coal man, sir."
"Private Guthrie, we are going into combat tomorrow. This ship, and some 30 other tanks will be facing the Martian. I'll find someone else to handle your shovel. Tomorrow, your weapon will be your guitar. You are going to play that song you wrote about this ship from the start of the battle until we win. You will have the microphone for outside Johnson speakers of this ship for the entire battle. Regardless of canon fire, regardless of heat rays and the screaming of the dying I want you to play. Let all that hear you know, that on this day we stood against our fears and prevailed. Can you do that Charlie?"
A tear made left a muddy trail down his cheek, and Charles Guthrie replied, "Yes, Sir."
"Here is a shower chit Guthrie." Get cleaned up and report back a dawn.
"Captain, we are approaching the lake."
"Aye, station the sea and anchor detail."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The new machines were certainly impressive. But possibly over kill. The upgraded heat ray could shoot through a mountain, but humans are unlikely to acquire that much armor. And resources required to build the huge machine could have built 10 war machines, and it required 3 pilots. Getting the pilots to act as a team seemed to be a difficulty. But then, all they have to do is stand and shoot.
An alert appeared on his display from automated projectile shooter supporting the reduction of forces anti-poleward. It's operating system required a command to deal with an unexpected situation. His sync with the control panel had an unknown audio input.
He puzzled at what appeared to be amplified human speech.
"Good morning America how are you?
Don't you know me I'm your native son!
I'm the ship they call The Spirit of New Orleans
I'll be gone a hundred miles when the day is done."*
24 hours earlier, onboard "The Spirit of New Orleans"Captain Franks watched as all the smaller steam tanks sped off into the distance, taking the clockwise route around Caddo Lake. They were out racing their supports and would arrive with only 40% of their coal they would need to fight on the other end. But there was no helping that. Besides, getting to the battle was half of the fight. His ship would take the shorter route across the lake.
"You wanted to see me sir?", a nervous private stood wrangling his cap.
Captain Franks turned, "Private Guthrie?"
"Yes sir!"
"What do you do here?" asked the captain, though the black face and filthy uniform made that answer obvious.
"I'm a coal man, sir."
"Private Guthrie, we are going into combat tomorrow. This ship, and some 30 other tanks will be facing the Martian. I'll find someone else to handle your shovel. Tomorrow, your weapon will be your guitar. You are going to play that song you wrote about this ship from the start of the battle until we win. You will have the microphone for outside Johnson speakers of this ship for the entire battle. Regardless of canon fire, regardless of heat rays and the screaming of the dying I want you to play. Let all that hear you know, that on this day we stood against our fears and prevailed. Can you do that Charlie?"
A tear made left a muddy trail down his cheek, and Charles Guthrie replied, "Yes, Sir."
"Here is a shower chit Guthrie." Get cleaned up and report back a dawn.
"Captain, we are approaching the lake."
"Aye, station the sea and anchor detail."
The overall situation. The 72nd Brigade is attacking with the 143rd Regiment. The 141st is surrounded and in danger of being destroyed. The Army of St. Louis is split with it's steam tanks moving around the lake to meet up with the Spirit of New Orleans which will cross the lake.
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The Army of St. Louis starts on the east edge of the board. |
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Securing from the underway detail, the Spirit of New Orleans pulls itself up from Lake Caddo, just in range of it's main guns of the Martian. |
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A timely arrival, as the Martian is about to overwhelm the 143rd Infantry. |
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On the west side of the board, the huge Overseer Tripod is observing all. |
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This battle is in progress, as the Martians are poised to defeat the humans in detail. |
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This is our first appearance of the actual Red Martian. |
The Red Martians siren weapon proved nearly the undoing the whole army on turn 1. The 143rd Regiment was taken to within one of it's break point. 2 of the routs were by the 1 point modifier of the weapon.
Turn 1:
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And the catastrophe starts. The pinned 141st is strategically gutted of all its heavy weapons save the Field Guns. |
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On the flip side, the 143rd is similarly gutted. And taken to a demoralization level of 6 of 7. |
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But a lucky shot brings down a scout tripod. |
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The view from the north west corner of the map. |
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Both Garth (the owner of the Overseer) and Scott (the owner of the Land Ironclad) are disgusted by the first turn performance of their toys. |
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The view from the north east. |
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The Army of Saint Louis deploys their artillery. Motorcycles lead the charge forward. The Spirit of New Orleans fires 6 guns and all miss. |
It's only the second turn and things are looking grim for the Americans. The 143rd is on the verge of defeat, the 141st has been defanged. While the Army of Saint Louis hasn't quite got the range yet.
Two pieces of luck. The Scout Tripod that was destroyed has reduced the effectiveness of it's Grenadier Tripod. And the Americans win the initiative for the turn and elect to move first.
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Priority 1 is the Red Martian. It's field wide morale minus is just too much. Early shots by two platoons of Mk III's put a pair of hits on the monster. |
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Followed by 18 machine gun shots, one of which finds a niche. |
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And in a moment later, a Grenadier Tripod is pommeled by artillery, and collapses. From the other side of the table was a whoop! An infantry assault brought down yet another War Machine! |
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And the Martian has more than enough forces to take the 143rd over it's break point. |
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The Overseer stands over watch. It needs not move and is invulnerable to any weapons arrayed against it. Curious placement on the Grenadier beneath it though. |
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With the east cleared of the Martian, the Army of Saint Louis is unconcerned about sweeping heat rays. |
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Great shot from the south west side of the board. |
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The unstoppable juggernaut that is the Spirit of New Orleans rumbles on. |
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The Martians have not yet put the finishing touches on the 141 and the 143, and now are in the vice. |
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We picked up a straggler in the game, who had this amazingly knit Cthulhu dice bag. |
The Americans have + 5 on the initiative roll and are preparing to move first. But the die roll was 10 to 2, and so the Martians win it.
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Huey, Dewey and one other tripod virtually clean off the 141st Regiment. Driving the survivors into the depths of Lake Caddo. |
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The Martian forces turn and begin to focus their heat rays up the advancing Army of Saint Louis. |
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The steam tanks reply, throwing 80 pound rounds down range. |
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A 12" round finds a Tripod at the foot of the Overseer. |
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A combination of 7" and 5" rounds take out Huey. |
By all accounts the Martian had a bad turn 3. Despite focused firepower, the last Infantry Company needed to rout the 141st refused to die. To compound this, the Americans finally make their reinforcement roll and the rest of the 71st Brigade units come on the board behind the Martian lines.
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The immobile Scout proved easy pickings. |
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The combined Martian forces isn't what it was. Tripods were collapsing everywhere, and there was nothing they could do about it. |
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9 units destroyed so far, 4 away from their demoralization level of 13 |
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The view from the south west. |
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The long view from the east. |
The game belongs to the Martians, but Army of Saint Louis has made this a Pyrrhic victory at best. By consent, we have sent it into over time. The Americans have +4 on the initiative and this time they win it.
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The Rough riders have had a day as well. Entangling 4 Tripods and killing one without taking a single casualty. |
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They are joined by a revived Mk III unit. Which completed the collapse of Tripod #13. |
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3 different paint styles here. From the silliness of Marvin's Martians to the horror of the Red Martian. We have never put 5000 points on the table before. |
The prodigy of फॅम्त्ज्ल्न्प्व्च्-।ैक्थ्ळभ्श्रज्ञस् stared down field in horror. They Won! How dare the humans not flee from his awesomeness! Now his progenitor was gone and the humans were coming. The recall Ula emanated from the Overseer. He turned to flee anti-spinward to find his legs would not move. The noisy humans have tied them together, and even now were racing off to entrap another war machine. He struggled to free himself only to crash to the earth.
General McCook shouted to a nearby orderly, "Tell Hutchings to retreat. They may be running, but they are running towards us!" As he watched, the big one turned on it's tormentors and heat rayed a couple of tanks.
"Get out of their way and go south. Get out of their way, but head south!"
Captain Franks handed Private Guthrie a canteen. "That's enough Private Guthrie. You've done well."
"Thank you sir."
"This will be a day they will remember long after we are gone. Write that song* down, and when you get home to Okemah, teach it to your son, What is his name?"
"Woodrow sir, but we call him Woody."
* Stolen mostly from "The City of New Orleans", by Arlo Guthrie.
House Rules:
Beyond 6” Martian Tripods are not visible if deeper than 2” in or beyond Towering Ruins and Dense Woods, and any terrain type designated as a “Hill”.
Note: The above is does not count if the hidden units have fired their weapons this turn or last.
The clamp tank does not count as a unit for the purposes of human demoralization.
zones have a cost: 25 points for a zone large enough to hold a company
of 3 elements 200x60mm. It deploys with two hidden movement marker
units, only 1 can be real. 8 points for fox holes, 60x60 mm, and can
hold 1 element. (MG, field guns). There can only be one hidden
movement marker per 3 fox holes. Fortified zones count as difficult ground.
The Towering Ruins are passable to human vehicles, at half speed, but remain impassable to Martian Tripods.
Humans in Towering Ruins have their defense against heat rays and shock canisters improved as follows:
Infantry +5/+3, Artillery +4/+2, Vehicles +2/+2
Humans in Towering Ruins have their defense against green gas and black dust improved as follows (wind tunnel effects):
Infantry +2/+2, Artillery +2/+2, Vehicles +1/+1
When in assault combat, the defenders do not get a bonus for terrain advantages for the "to hit" roll, but do get the terrain armor advantage, if any.
Humans in Towering Ruins have their defense against heat rays and shock canisters improved as follows:
Infantry +5/+3, Artillery +4/+2, Vehicles +2/+2
Humans in Towering Ruins have their defense against green gas and black dust improved as follows (wind tunnel effects):
Infantry +2/+2, Artillery +2/+2, Vehicles +1/+1
When in assault combat, the defenders do not get a bonus for terrain advantages for the "to hit" roll, but do get the terrain armor advantage, if any.
Weak Weapons.
Weapons with a power of +1 or less that hit and penetrate
a Tripod, will just cause 1 point of damage.
There will be no roll on the Tripod damage table.
Dirt roads give a movement bonus to humans only.
The cost of a Land Ironclad is increased to 1,500 points.
Outstanding games!
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